September 18, 2019
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How to Find Preceptors Using LinkedIn (2020 Edition)

Maybe you haven’t thought of it yet, but LinkedIn isn’t just for finding a job or building a decent online CV. It can really help you find a preceptor, and we’re going to tell you all about it!

It’s very hard, overwhelming and stressful to find a preceptor, especially when the deadline is around the corner, and all you’ve done is fail on your search attempts.

Cold calling offices and dropping by random clinics is probably the most frustrating thing ever, since it rarely turns out right, maybe because there’s no preceptors available or just because everyone is too busy to pay attention to you at the moment.

But you know, there’s always an option you haven’t tried, and you may be about to find it.

Have you tried LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful platform because most preceptors have accounts there, and many office managers are on it as well. We recommend using LinkedIn in conjunction with calling physician offices.

This way when you find out the office manager’s name during a call, you can instantly connect with them on LinkedIn.

Emails have to be opened to be read. On the other hand, many LinkedIn messages are pushed directly to an individual’s phone with a preview text on the notification, which makes it easier for that person to see that bit of the message and then open it right away. Remember, in order to get a confirmation for a clinical rotation, you need to have the attention of the office manager/preceptor.

Here’s a great pro-tip for using LinkedIn: Once you connect with enough office managers and potential preceptors, LinkedIn will start auto-recommending you other people in the same industry to connect with, so take advantage of that! Also, make sure your profile is up-to-date.

Once you engage with the preceptor or office manager, here’s a great message script that our students use all the time:

LinkedIn message

LinkedIn can be a great tool to find a preceptor or a job if you already did your clinicals. It doesn’t only allow you to connect with office managers and preceptors, it also helps you create a professional reputation and network very early on, which will later be very beneficial for your career. For example, if you want to start your own business or need support or advice on your current job, LinkedIn contacts can be of help!

For more tips on how to find a preceptor on your own, download our Ultimate Guide for free by using the code “findyourpreceptor” here:

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