Refund & Cancellation Policy
NPHub enforces a simple cancellation policy to protect both the student and preceptor alike.

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Simple Cancellations

The deposit paid is fully refundable in the following cases:
The deposit paid is fully refundable in the following cases:
- If the student requests to opt-out of their rotation request within 5 calendar days of paying the deposit and the chosen preceptor has NOT accepted the student's rotation request.
- If the chosen preceptor has not accepted a student’s request within 10 business days of receiving it.
- If the chosen preceptor has not completed the student paperwork provided by NPHub within 10 business days of receiving it.
Full Balance:
The full balance paid is fully refundable in the following cases:
The full balance paid is fully refundable in the following cases:
- Preceptor can no longer precept a student, and the student chooses to accept a refund as opposed to an alternative preceptor/clinical site.
- Preceptor can no longer precept a student, and NPHub is unable to provide an alternative preceptor/clinical site.
- Preceptor moves locations, changes employment, or has a personal circumstance that hinders them from precepting.
- Preceptor/clinical site is not approved by a student’s university due to information that was not available to the student in the preceptor’s online profile or shared by NPHUb employees. This includes but is not limited to: student/preceptor ratio, patient care/services provided, licensure status, etc. This does not include policy changes from the student’s university or changes within the course requirements.
- Preceptor/clinical site updates their site requirements (such as background check, vaccination/immunization requirements, etc.) within 14 calendar days of the student’s start date and Student is unable to fulfill the requirements.
Circumstances that are ineligible for a full balance refund include but are not limited to the following*:
- Student chooses not to work with their chosen preceptor after the preceptor has completed the NPHub provided student paperwork due to personal reasons or preferences.
- Student did not properly read the preceptor’s rotation details and description and then requested an improper preceptor/clinical site.
- Student did not review their university’s preceptor/clinical site requirements prior to requesting their clinical rotation.
- Student is removed from the clinical rotation due to misconduct, inappropriate behavior, or poor performance.
- Preceptor/clinical site is not approved by a student’s university due to information that was available to the student in the preceptor’s online profile or shared by NPHUb employees. This includes but is not limited to: location, clinical setting, patient count, clinical site hours/scheduling, etc.
- Student is unable to adjust to their preceptor’s working schedule.
- Student is informed of clinical site requirements (including background checks, vaccination/immunization requirements, etc.) and is unwilling to fulfill these requirements.
- *In these circumstances the student can request a cancellation. Please refer to the cancellation terms below.
- If a student cancels a clinical rotation with a preceptor that has already completed the NPHub provided student paperwork and full payment has not been made, the student will be charged a cancellation fee.
- If the cancellation is requested more that 60 calendar days from the student’s rotation start date, the cancellation fee will equal 50% of the remaining balance on the student’s account.
- If the cancellation is requested 60 calendar days or less from the student’s rotation start date, the cancellation fee will equal 100% of the remaining balance on the student’s account.
- If a student cancels a clinical rotation with a preceptor that has already completed the NPHub provided student paperwork and full payment has been made, the student may be eligible for a cancellation refund.
- If the cancellation is requested more that 60 calendar days from the student’s rotation start date, the cancellation refund amount will equal 50% of the balance paid by the student (less the deposit).
- If the cancellation is requested 60 calendar days or less from the student’s rotation start date, the student is not eligible for a cancellation refund.
Extenuating Circumstances
- The above refund and cancellation policies may be superseded by the NPHub team for extenuating circumstances after an internal review.
- If you believe you have an extenuating circumstance, please let the NPHub team know as soon as possible. You can do this by reaching out to your assigned Student Coordinator, or emailing us at

Promotional Codes and Referral Codes:
- Promotional codes and referral codes are non-refundable and non-transferable. This policy may not be superseded for extenuating circumstances.
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Student “Ghosting”
- A student will be considered as “ghosting” if either NPHub or the student’s chosen preceptor cannot reach the student after at least 5 attempts over 10 or more calendar days.
- Contact methods include text message, phone call, and/or email. The contact information provided on the student’s student profile is the only contact information that can be validated as belonging to the student.
- NPHub reserves the right to cancel any and all clinical rotations for ghosting students. Any cancellations will be subject to the above cancellation terms.

Wallet Credits
- Wallet credits issued to students in lieu of refunds must be used within 12 months of the issue date. Any unused wallet balance will expire and become invalid after this period.
- Wallet credits issued to students as promotional credits must be used within 12 months of the issue date. Any unused wallet balance will expire and become invalid after this period.